Happy New Year: 2022

I'm going into 2022 with just so much gratitude for everything I have learned and all my supporters.

I started connecting with people on Twitter two years ago and found the most supportive writing community. After launching the website in 2020 to share my writing I gained a handful of email followers that are still with me. Joining Instagram in 2021 really sparked my creativity and opened up new business opportunities for affiliate sales. I’ve met even more supportive people on Instagram and in the Modern Nature, clean beauty community. One of my goals for 2022 is to create and maintain my human connections, something I’ve struggled with in the past.

The end of the year had me inconsistently writing and feeling pretty bad about it. Navigating all the newness of the interwebs has been tricky and balance is always an issue. There are just endless waves of information and a lack of structure has consequences. This year I will strive to optimize a business plan to at least fake some consistency. It's important to me that I'm posting monthly and that is my goal this year.

I’ve been so inspired by others I’ve met on social media and in real life this last year. Whether it’s inspiration for wellness, fashion, business or parenting I have just been humbled by the good in people.

I am excited to take my business to the next level in 2022 and I’ve started crushing my goals before we even begin. In the upcoming year I will complete the course I’ve just started about Writing for Social Change. This online course will help me complete my memoir and teach me something about the publishing world as I know absolutely nothing. I will also continue to share the amazing opportunities that Modern Nature has to offer in terms of healthy hair and skin as well as business opportunities. I already have a ticket for Monat’s biggest leadership event of the year and I’m going to St. Louis in September with all my fellow boss babes.

The ride has been a bumpy one and what once was a weekly newsletter has turned into more of a beauty blog. I have gone from a Squarespace platform to a Wordpress site and, after all that hassle, I hate to say that I’ll be moving the site back to Squarespace this year. I just really enjoyed the more aesthetic look of the page and I found it more user friendly.

But I want to know what you think! I truly value your feedback and I appreciate your interest. Do you miss getting an email weekly? Did you enjoy the quotes? If you would like me to write an article about a particular subject, let me know! Maybe you want to see more fashion or more poetry. I definitely need to know these things.

Business, leadership and connections. That’s how I’m feeling 2022. I hope you have an incredible year!

Best Wishes,

Jessica Lasa


Book: The Storyteller


The Spooky Halloween Tag