A Grateful Happy New Year!

Happy New Year, beloved readers! And good riddance to a nightmare of a year. For my last post of 2020, I want to spend some time thanking everyone who has been supportive and kind to me in my first year of blogging and just talk to you about future plans that I’m looking forward to.

I've had my website for only eight months and it has truly been amazing to experience the encouragement and positive feedback from the poetry and writing communities. I cannot tell you how much my Twitter friends have kept me writing and being creative, giving me inspiration and love every single day. A very special thank you to my subscribers. I could not do this without you. You are my driving force and I cannot express my appreciation. I’m trying to think of a proper way to thank you. I’d like to give gifts all around, so stay tuned!

I have been having so much fun connecting with people, writing about things that I love and sharing my poetry. I have some fun blog posts planned for 2021! I am currently working on a blog series for January featuring business men and women who started a new career in the midst of the 2020 catastrophe. Then, I’m also working on a local series featuring my favorite places to shop in the Flathead Valley. I am excruciatingly excited to see what opportunities and learning experiences this next year has to offer.

Another goal of mine is to write a book or a series of books that contain short stories and poetry. This one is scary and I haven’t quite put it all together as to how I want to present those. Hopefully, this year I will begin to settle into a writing routine and be more disciplined.

It's important to me that I spread a positive message. I have had a history of negative self talk, anxiety and depression. I know it’s a constant struggle and I want to be an advocate for mental health and for people, in general. This year, I will be adding more resources to my website and sharing ways we can help each other stay positive and reach our goals.

I can’t thank you enough for sharing this journey with me. If you’re looking forward to my upcoming projects and you’re not already a subscriber, sign up today! You will be sure not to miss all the exciting growth I have planned for the future. I also want to hear your ideas!! Please, tell me in the comments what you want to see more of on my website.

I am hopeful you will have a prosperous year, full of love and light. I wish you the happiest of New Years, as we all deserve it after the last one.

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Motivational Quotes


Christmas Tag