Self-Care for Men

This week we have a guest post! A huge THANK YOU to Joey with for spreading this positive message to my readers. Please don’t forget to follow him on Instagram and Twitter!!

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Hey all! My name is Joey and I am the owner of Concealed Voices. A blog to educate, inspire, and motivate men across the world. I was invited to write a guest post for Jessica over at to talk about men and the benefits of self-care and appreciation. If you’re interested in reading more of my work then head over to and follow me on social media! 

As a man, what’s the first thing that comes to your mind when you think of self-care? I bet you imagine some of the following – pedicures, warm baths, and massages. And guess what? There’s absolutely nothing wrong with any of them! Although there is more to it than just a visit to the spa..

“Let’s be real: self-care is genderless. ”

Self-care, as defined by Google, is the practice of taking action to preserve or improve one’s health. A set of procedures to recharge, embrace positivity, and boost self-esteem. But how many men take the time to focus on themselves? I doubt many as self-care is predominately marketed and practiced by women.

Let’s be real: self-care is genderless. We should all find the time in the day to focus on our mental and physical health. The problem is most men are burdened by the image of toxic masculinity thus the foundations of self-care don’t fit the stereotypical agenda. In reality men who share this mindset are becoming a dying breed in society (about damn time too!)

So, here are my 5 ideas to get you started on becoming the best version of yourself.

Get Fit

Easier said than done I know, but the rewards are worth it. Physical activity releases endorphins (a similar chemical to morphine) in your body that help trigger a “feel good” sensation. Endorphins interact with the receptors in your brain that reduce your perception of pain - awesome!

The good news is you don’t have to fork out on a gym membership to benefit from the psychological satisfaction, although I do encourage you to join a club if you can. Not only will you lose weight and get in shape but you will sleep better, reduce depression, and have a more positive view of life.

Use Natural/Organic Skincare Products

Start taking better care of your skin by using natural and organic products rather than processed junk from dodgy laboratories that still use animals for testing. You will notice by avoiding harmful ingredients that your skin will flourish and prevent irritations/redness

 While some skincare products can be expensive, they are worth the investment. I tend to use organic lavender because I love the smell. Go ahead and pamper yourself, guys. 

Start A Reading Schedule

Self-care isn’t always about your reflection in the mirror. It’s also about how you take care of your mind. I love reading before bed because it allows my mind (and body) to relax before going to sleep.

Reading enhances sleep quality, reduces psychological strains such as stress and anxiety, and improves problem-solving skills. All of these are beneficial to growing a positive and healthy mindset.

Organise a morning routine

Taking care of yourself in the mornings is vital to maintaining happiness and positivity as you prepare for any challenges ahead. I use the time to pamper myself so I walk out the door full of confidence. My morning routine is as follows:

  • I open the windows and look towards the sunlight to absorb vitamin D.

  • I read a chapter in my book to switch on my cognition and focus. I also spend a few minutes playing a game called Elevate, a fun brain training game.

  • I jump into a warm shower and rub myself in natural body (and hair) liquids. I especially love cocoa cream moisturizers. I tend to pour too much because it feels so good on my skin! 

  • My confidence is through the roof when I leave my front door in the mornings. I’m glowing and feel like a supermodel. 

Keep a journal

I love writing my thoughts and achievements in a journal, although I sometimes memorize them rather than filling a page. Any type of journal is a wonderful and useful task to stay organized and in control of your life. A journal inspires creativity, allows you to self-reflect on your decisions, and keeps your memory sharp.

I read that women write journals more than men. I don’t need to post facts to prove why – because women are more in tune with their emotions than men. Our outdated caveman instincts mean we struggle to understand and deal with issues. We’ve been raised to push aside our problems, otherwise we get viewed as weak by our peers. 

However, there’s a shift changing in society. Now more men than ever are expressing their feelings unlike any other time in human history. If you’re one of those men, like myself, then good for you! You might not know it yet but you are inspiring a man without a voice somewhere in the world.

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Thank you for reading! What is your favorite self-care ritual? Would you consider trying any of these things?

comment below!


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