Winter Wardrobe Essentials


October 24th, 2020October 24th, 2020

October 24th, 2020


****Disclosure: Some of the links in this post are ‘affiliate links’. This means if you click on the link and purchase the item, I will receive an affiliate commission.

Winter is coming! Just a few weeks ago, I got an unwelcome glimpse of our frozen future. Thankfully, the snow melted for another few weeks of my beloved fall weather but there is nothing stopping the inevitable return of the white stuff. The Farmer’s Almanac predicts a cold and snowy winter for most of the US with above normal snowfall in almost all of the northern states. The time has come to update your wardrobe.

There are a few things that I deem essential for a winter wardrobe. I’ve done the hard work and found some of the best reviewed items for comfort and quality. There are several variations of these staples and you should find something that fits your style. This is also a great gift guide! These winter items are a good idea for any age.

Faux Fur Coat

Nothing says warmth like fur. Even the faux stuff really does insulate no matter what they are lined with. You could go with full fur or just fur-trimmed. The hood is necessary for wintry wind and snow.

Slip-on Boots

Some kind of slip-on boots are a necessity in the wintertime. My requirements are that they are soft, warm and high enough that snow doesn’t get inside. These are ideal when going to the gym or anywhere that requires you to take off or change your shoes. My daughter used to wear them to gymnastics. YOU MUST PROTECT YOUR BOOTS WITH WATERPROOF SPRAY.

Cozy Hat

I call these Beanies and I don’t know why. Besides being really handy on bad hair days, a hat is your number one tool for staying warm. Sometimes you’re being active outside and a bulky coat is just in the way. If you’re wearing a hat, you’ll stay warm. It can be painful when your ears aren’t protected!


This one is more of a cozy up with a good book vibe, for me. A mostly cashmere blend is going to be expensive but it’s worth it. It’s wool so, it’s warm and who doesn’t want to hug something so soft?

Warm PJs

It’s time to trade the cool, crisp sheets of summer to warm, soft flannel for the winter. Homes can be drafty and you’ll want to be wrapped in long pajamas when the winter storms hit. I prefer something oversized in flannel or stretchy, close-fitting cotton.

Home Decor

The cold and the snow also mean more inside time. Now is a great time to warm up your home to make an atmosphere perfect for getting in out of the weather. Textures, scents and natural elements are all effective in creating a cozy and welcoming space. The flameless candles are a great idea for someone in a dorm or nursing home who cannot have open flames in their room.

I hope you found something you like or maybe something you would like to give as a gift. Enjoy the weather as it gets colder. The colorful leaves of fall will soon be covered with a blanket of snow.

Snowflakes will fall beautifully and the cruel cold will bite. The crunch of snow will be underfoot on an otherwise silent night.



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